In light of the ever-increasing complexities and interconnectedness of the global as well as local challenges, governments and societies have difficulties in dealing with the multiplicity of crises. In the wake of climate emergencies combined with unchecked biodiversity extinction, digital mediated communication and the disruptions caused by the latest, surely not last pandemic, education needs to change in order to enable a social transformation towards a just, sustainable and peaceful world.
In this context, teachers are considered powerful change agents for delivering the educational response needed for achieving sustainable development. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED) are two key elements to promote the development of sustainable competencies and to empower learners of all ages to assume active roles, both locally and globally, in building more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, and secure societies.
The objective of the course “Politics4Future” is to address sustainability in political education and to contribute to the competence development of future teachers as change agents. Furthermore, the course aims to engage with intercultural perspectives to raise awareness and sensitivity.
Teacher students enrolled in teacher training courses of six partner universities – Leuphana University (Germany), Rhodes University (South Africa), York University (Canada), University for Peace (Costa Rica), Heidelberg University of Education (Germany) resp. via the HSE additional qualification programme also of Heidelberg University, and the University of Crete (Greece) – will have the opportunity to exchange on global and local issues and critically reflect North-South interdependencies.
This course is offered in a blended learning format including live sessions and self-paced learning. Readings, video recorded sessions and assignments for each topic of the curriculum will be available to all participants on Moodle prior to the live sessions.
- Develop common understanding of key concepts of GCED, ESD and political education and their interconnections
- Foster awareness on individual and collective world views regarding global citizenship, sustainability, and political engagement
- Develop abilities to implement key concepts of GCED, ESD and political education into teaching practices
- Enhance their capacities as agents for transformative change
Live sessions will take place online on Tuesdays
- 25 April 2023, 4–6 pm CEST
- 2 May 2023, 4–6 pm CEST
- 9 May 2023, 4–6 pm CEST
- 16 May 2023, 4–6 pm CEST
- 23 May 2023, 4–6 pm CEST
- 30 May 2023, 4–6 pm CEST
From Heidelberg, ten future teachers who are enrolled at Heidelberg University of Education or at Heidelberg University will have the opportunity to participate. The course is open for students of all subjects. Please register as soon as possible with Dr. Nicole Aeschbach via email to zq-nachhaltigkeit@heiedu.uni-heidelberg.de.
The course can be credited as a module (“Vertiefungsbaustein”) in the HSE additional qualification on the interdisciplinary subject sustainability (Zusatz-/ Querschnittsqualifikation Nachhaltigkeit). After completing the course, the participants will acquire 6 credit points.