- 1pm–2.50pm (EST/UTC-4)
- 10am–11:50am (PST)
With this lecture series entitled “Critical Media Literacy: A Challenge for Teacher Education and Beyond”, a joint initiative by the Heidelberg School of Education and Teachers College (Columbia University) aims for a transatlantic collaborative dialogue at the intersection of various disciplines and didactics. Lecturers, students, teachers, educators and various stakeholders in education are welcome to join in.
The final instalment of our lecture series „Critical Media Literacy: A Challenge for Teacher Education and Beyond“ marks a major milestone in our transatlantic initiative. For the past six months, researchers from Heidelberg University, the Heidelberg University of Education, and Teachers College at Columbia University have presented their work on a broad array of aspects related to Critical Media Literacy (CML), its implications for teacher education, and modern democratic societies of our time. Together, we have created a bi-weekly interdisciplinary platform for debate, exchanging thoughts, and learning from each other.
We are thus proud to conclude our lecture series with a truly special event presenting an opportunity to look back on what we have achieved, and to devise a vision where we want to go from here. As always, we are keen to share what we are doing with the broader academic and non-academic public, and to provide all interested with a chance to ask questions, and join the debate. Our programme features a guest talk by two icons in the field of CML – Douglas Kellner and Jeff Share of the University of California, Los Angeles – and a panel discussion bringing together contributors to the lecture series from Heidelberg and New York.
7pm CET | 1pm EST | 10am PST:
- Welcome remarks & looking back on our CML series
Prof. Dr. Michael Haus, Heidelberg University / Heidelberg School of Education - Video: Highlights from the lecture series
Christoph Bertolo)
7.20pm CET | 1.20pm EST | 10.20am PST:
- „Critical Media Literacy: Engaging Media & Transforming Education“
Prof. Douglas Kellner, Ph. D. / Prof. Jeff Share, Ph. D., University of California, Los Angeles - Q & A
Moderator: Dr. Lina Pranaitytė, Heidelberg School of Education
8.20pm CET | 2.20pm EST | 11.20am PST:
- Panel Discussion: „Three Years In: Our interdisciplinary and transatlantic initiative on Critical Media Literacy“
Participants: Dr. Sarah Creider, Prof. Dr. Michael Haus, Prof. Dr. Nina Jude, Dr. Portia Williams, - Moderator: Dr. Tobias Endler, Heidelberg School of Education
8:50–9:20pm CET | 2.50–3.20pm EST | 11:50am–12:20pm PST:
- Steering group & Prof. Douglas Kellner, Ph. D. / Prof. Jeff Share, Ph. D, ,UCLA
- Moderators: Dr. Lina Pranaitytė & Dr. Tobias Endler, Heidelberg School of Education
The event will be held online via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 926 4248 5122
Password: 378365
No prior registration required.

There is widespread agreement that we now live in a media culture, and we argue that education should respond to this situation through teaching media literacy, giving students and citizens the skills to critically engage media and become active participants in culture and society. Accordingly, we believe that education and other academic disciplines should make media literacy a critical component of curriculum and pedagogy in order to transform education and society in the interests of democracy. Further, we call for a critical media literacy that provides critical analysis of the role of media in society, politics, and the construction of identities. Critical media literacy analyzes and challenges systemic injustice (racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, etc) and promotes the Freirian idea of praxis as empowerment and action for social and environmental justice.
Douglas Kellner is Distinguished Research Professor of Education at UCLA and is author of many books on social theory, politics, history, philosophy, and culture, including Herbert Marcuse and the Crisis of Marxism and six edited volumes of the collected papers of Herbert Marcuse. His work in social theory and cultural studies includes Media Culture, Guys and Guns Amok: Domestic Terrorism and School Shootings from the Oklahoma City Bombings to the Virginia Tech Massacre, and Media Spectacle. Most recently, he has published two books on American Nightmare: Donald Trump, Media Spectacle, and Authoritarian Populism and The American Horror Show: Election 2016 and the Ascent of Donald J. Trump, and with Jeff Share, The Critical Media Literacy Guide: Engaging Media and Transforming Education.
Jeff Share’s research and practice focuses on preparing educators to teach critical media literacy in K-12 education. He has worked as an award-winning photojournalist, bilingual elementary school teacher, and since 2007, he has been teaching critical media literacy and environmental justice at UCLA. An updated second edition of his book, Media Literacy is Elementary: Teaching Youth to Critically Read and Create Media, was published in 2015. Two years later Routledge published the book he co-wrote with Richard Beach and Allen Webb titled, Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents: Reading, Writing, and Making a Difference. Collaborating with Douglas Kellner in 2019, they published, The Critical Media Literacy Guide: Engaging Media and Transforming Education.